Welcome to

Leighlin Road

Hello, and thank you for visiting.

My name is Martin Duffy.

This simple website is connected to my memoir of the same name:


The book is also available on Kindle.

I am delighted to say that my memoir 'Leighlin Road' is now available as an audiobook (read by me).

Below is the audible.com link, but you may need to go to your local audible website.

As an alternative to buying it, you can always sign up for the free trial to get it.




In this site I offer free links to other work of mine that you might enjoy.

I don't sell anything through this website, but there are links to places, mostly on Amazon or Troubador

where you can buy my work.

Martin is an award-winning Irish director, writer, film editor and script consultant living in Berlin. Awards for his films include the Celtic Film and TV Festival Jury Prize, Audience Award at the Berlin Film Festival, ‘President’s Award’ at the Fort Lauderdale Film Festival, and selection for the Deauville International Film Festival. After years of experience writing and editing for television, Martin wrote and directed his first feature film ‘The Boy from Mercury’ in 1996 – the semi-autobiographical story of an 8-year-old boy with an over-active imagination. Martin has directed three other feature films since then while continuing his writing output. This work includes his children’s novels (‘Mothership’, ‘Peg Leg Gus’ etc) and books on social history (‘The Trade Union Pint’, ‘The Viceregal Microbe’, 'Not Yet' etc) and radio plays (‘The Apollo’, ‘Tricks of the Trade’ etc) plus several documentaries for German and Irish national radio.

                                   You will find all my books on Amazon's Author Central

 The links below are to work of mine that relate to my memoir (you can read a sample by clicking on the following highlighted title) 'Leighlin Road'. 

Some of these are with password, simply because I offer them to those who are interested in my memoir and might find them of particular related interest to it.

I'll start with the biggest treat. Outside Ireland (where it is available on Volta) my feature film THE BOY FROM MERCURY is nowhere to be found on streaming. Until now!

This is not for sale, can be viewed but not downloaded and is of no profit for me:

link: https://vimeo.com/82705123

password: mercury

As a potted history of the two family lines leading to my birth, here is a 20-minute Vimeo I made for the family:


Password: bm2020

I had made a radio documentary about Ardmore Film Studios, where I worked as a teenager, a few years ago but it was not broadcast:


password: ardmore

As I write about in 'Leighlin Road', I spent two years as an apprentice projectionist in the wonderful Kenilworth Cinema in Harold's Cross. This radio play I wrote several decades ago, produced by RTE, was inspired by my time there:

The Apollo: https://vimeo.com/83824628

My aim is to add other small treats here along the way, plus updates on how my memoir 'Leighlin Road' is doing.


Martin Duffy

Contact: leighlinroadbook@gmail.com



I am delighted to say that the revised edition of my family history is now available through Troubador Publishing.

I am delighted to announce the launch of my children's novel PEG LEG GUS

Available in print, ebook and audiobook.

Here is the link to the publisher's website for the book:
